Circle the number that best reflects what you feel about the opening statements 1. When someone fails, people - feel pity for him 123456 or understand that it is probably difficult for him. 2. Being a naughty child is something very wrong 123456 or not 3. Parents usually say to the child: “bring me the newspaper.” 123456 or “please, bring me the newspaper.” 4. When someone agrees he says: o.k. 123456 yes 5. Usually people ask What happened? 123456 or what did he do? 6. The girl said: I’m exhausted 123456 I’m tired 7. The mother said to her child: “Do you want me to read you a story?” 123456 or “I want to read you a story.” 8. The guests asked: “What do you want to drink?” 123456 served without being asked anything. 9. The father said to his son: “I need your help” 123456 or “I want your help”. 10. The father said: “if you don’t do what is necessary you’ll be punished.” 123456 or “if you are stubborn you’ll be punished.” 11. The child whose parents didn’t want to buy him a bicycle says: “I don’t need any favors. I’ll get along by myself.” 123456 “Is something wrong with me that you don’t want to buy me a bicycle?!” 12. The mother said: You are great! 123456 That’s my son. 13. The friend says: “Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?!” 123456 or “Why don’t we go to the beach tomorrow?” 14. The mother asked the children to play more calmly 123456 or calm down. 15. The child said that if there is noise he won’t be able to solve the problem correctly 123456 or he won’t be able to solve the problem in the right way. 16. A lot of fun ends with crying 123456 or is good 17. Girls should remember that they are girls and behave accordingly. 123456 or girls should behave according their feelings. 18. The person told his friend the truth even though he knew it would cause a fight. 123456 lied to his friend in order not to have a fight with him. 19. When a child asks his mother an embarrassing question - she tells him that it embarrasses her. 123456 or she avoids answering the question by offering him candy. 20. People who have different opinions in your community can’t be friends. 123456 or can be. 21. A child can tell her parents: “no!” 123456 or cannot tell her parents: “no!” 22. Usually people know what they really want. 123456 or others know what they really want. 23. Bad dreams - are not wise to talk about. 123456 or are good to talk about them. 24. The father says to his daughter: “what is the solution to this exercise?” 123456 or “what do you think is the solution to the exercise?”